Monday, August 15, 2011

the "simple skirt"

For months now I've been bookmarking tutorials left and right of various projects I want to make. The past few weeks I've now taken to "pinning" things. Finally, tonight, I made some stuff! And I'm so in love =). This simple skirt tutorial was such a breeze. I knocked it out in about an hour- would have been faster had I not been tending to a toddler and newborn and stopping to re-read directions in between!

I've been planning to make this one for a while now so I actually planned in advance and took my daughter (a.k.a. Pumpkin) with to JoAnn's and let her choose the fabric. This make the skirt 100x more exciting, trust me! Here's our finished product:

Pumpkin showing off the fit:

Tried to photograph her wearing it and all I got was a blur from her twirling... she's in love with this skirt!

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